Architectural Design
The design process can be broken down into phases: Pre-Design, Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documentation and Construction Administration.
These phases are not just a linear sequence, but overlap and interact in many ways.
I carry out architectural design in the advanced BIM software package ArchiCad.
Building Information Modeling
In BIM we also assign invisible data (metadata) to the model’s digital elements, such as structural function, support scheme,
fire resistance value, acoustic performance value, thermal transmittance, price, weight, product information, etc.
The model and the metadata together build a complex database we call BIM.
Point Cloud to BIM
A point cloud is a large collection of points in space, obtained using 3D laser scanning or other technologies that allows you to create 3D representations of existing structures.
Point cloud files allow me to speed up the design process by providing real context, from which I can create a high-precision BIM model of an existing building.
Architectural visualization
Architectural rendering, architectural illustration, or architectural visualization is the art of creating three-dimensional images or animations showing the attributes of a proposed architectural design.
It has a certain degree of informational content and allows the most complete presentation of the external characteristics of the future structure.
Architectural animation
Architectural 3D animation is a presentation video that allows you to most clearly and realistically present your project, show the architectural features and infrastructure of the project,
and also demonstrate all the advantages of the project and its beneficial qualities.
The goal of 3D architectural animation is to effectively advertise an object, which gives it visibility and credibility.
ArchiCAD Architectural Draftsman
For many years I have been creating architectural documentation package for Australian architectural companies.
Here are the purposes and stages for which I can help you and free your hands so that you can take on new projects and improve your business:
SK- Sketch Design, DA- Development Application, CC- Construction Certificate, CD- Construction Documentation
Structural Engineering
Structural design is the methodical investigation of the stability, strength and rigidity of structures.
The basic objective in structural analysis and design is to produce a structure capable of resisting all applied loads without failure during its intended life.
Structural solutions I perform using the best BIM products. Full integration of the Structural solutions into a single BIM environment.
Structural Analysis
Structural analysis is the determination of the effects of loads on physical structures and their components.
Structural analysis employs the fields of applied mechanics, materials science and applied mathematics to compute a structure's deformations, internal forces, stresses, support reactions, accelerations, and stability.
I mainly perform these tasks in the powerful finite element complex Robot Structural Analysis Professional.
Earthquake Resistant Design
Earthquake resistant design consists of an evaluation of the earthquake excitation and the structure response to this excitation at a particular site in order to provide a structural system that will not collapse,
that may prevent loss of life and will limit economic loss during an earthquake.
I perform all types of dynamic and seismic calculations in the powerful FEM complex Robot Structural Analysis Professional.
RC Structures Design
Development of project documentation for the construction of monolithic reinforced concrete structures. I have extensive experience in designing monolithic reinforced concrete structures in seismic construction areas.
Design of reinforced concrete structures I perform in the ArchiCAD environment, calculations of reinforced concrete structures are done by in RSA.
SP 63.13330.2012, EN 1992-1-1:2004/A1:2014, ACI 318-08, AS 3600-2009, EN 1992-1-1/BFS 2011:10 EKS8, NS 3473:2003
Steel Structures Design
Development of project documentation for the construction of steel structures. I have extensive experience in designing steel structures in seismic construction areas.
Design of steel structures I perform in the ArchiCAD environment, calculations of steel structures are done by in Robot Structural Analysis Professional.
SP 16.13330.2011, EN 1993-1:2005/A1:2014, ANCI/AISC 360-16, BSK99, ENV 1993-1:1992 NAD Swedan, NS 3472:2001
Wooden Structures Design
Development of project documentation for the construction of timber structures.
I have extensive experience in designing timber structures in seismic construction areas.
Design of timber structures I perform in the ArchiCAD environment, calculations of timber structures are done by in Robot Structural Analysis Professional. EN 1995-1:2004/A2:2014, ANSI/AWC NDS-2012 ASD, CB71